Trieste, exhibition (first group exhibition in which Leonor Fini took part, at age 17).


Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, IIe Mostra del Novecento Italiano.
Galleria Milano, Milan, with Carlo Sbisà and Arturo Nathan.


Galleria di Via Croce Rossa, Milan, with Alberto Cagliani.
Biennale de Venise, with Elena Fondro.


Glaspalast, Munich.


Galerie Jacques Bonjean, 34, rue de La Boétie, Paris, Comme ils se voient, comme ils sont, 33 artists’ self-portraits, accompanied by photographs.
Milan, exhibition.
Musée de Grenoble, donation of Count Emmanuel Sarmiento, with works by Tozzi, de Pisis, Prampolini, Fillia, Cascella.
Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, Contemporary Italian Painting Gallery, with Tosi, Sironi, De Chirico, de Pisis, Carra, Severini, Campigli, January.
Galerie de Paris, 14–31 December.


Galerie les Quatre Chemins, Dessins surréalistes, with Arp, De Chirico, Dalí, Ernst, Hayter, V. Hugo, Miró, Man Ray, Tanguy, Picasso, December.
Seconda Quadriennale nazionale d’Arte, Rome.


New Burlington Galleries, London, The International Surrealist Exhibition, text by André Breton.
Museum of Modern Art, New York, Fantastic Art, Dada and Surrealism (nos. 374–76), catalogue edited by Alfred H. Barr, Jr., December.
Galerie Les Quatre Chemins, Paris, Groupe surréaliste français.
Galerie Montaigne, Paris, with Eugène Berman and Pierre Roy, June–July.


Galerie Les Quatre Chemins, Paris, Groupe surréaliste français.


Venice Biennale (exhibition of Self-Portrait with Scorpion).
Galerie Drouin, place Vendôme, Paris, directors René Drouin and Léo Castelli, Meubles surréalistes, with Eugene Berman, Max Ernst, Valentine Hugo, Meret Oppenheim, opening: 5 July.


Galerie Drouin, Place Vendôme, Paris, directors : René Drouin and Léo Castelli, surrealist furnitures, with Eugène Berman, Max Ernst, Valentine Hugo, Meret Oppenheim.
Galerie Contemporaine, Paris, Le Rêve dans l’art, April.


Julien Levy Gallery, New York, 23 January–25 February.


Atelier Boesiger et Indermauer, Zurich, Exposition surréaliste, 17 novembre.


Art of This Century Gallery [Peggy Guggenheim], New York, Objects, Drawings, Photographs, Paintings, Sculpture, Collages, 1910-1942.
Art of This Century Gallery [Peggy Guggenheim], New York, An Exhibition by 31 women.


Troisième Grand Salon de Printemps, Monte Carlo, 1–31 May.


Monaco, Cent Dessins modernes, exhibition of master drawings organized by the Office National du Tourisme de la Principauté de Monaco, under the patronage of the Musée National des Beaux-Arts, with the support of the journal Hommage, 14–28 April.
Galleria del Secolo, Rome, August.
Galleria La Margherita, Rome, text by Mario Praz, with Stanislao Lepri, Fabrizio Clerici, Savinio, Belobodorof, 29 January–February.


Galleria La Margherita, Rome, text by Mario Praz, with Stanislao Lepri, Fabrizio Clerici, Savinio, Belobodorof, 29 janvier – février.


Librairie du Dragon, Paris, drawings.
Galerie de Berri, Paris.
Galerie Île Cortile, Rome, March (drawings).


Librairie Paul Morihien, Paris, exhibition of restaurant tablecloths, text by Georges Hugnet, with Louis Aragon, Balthus, Hans Bellmer, Jean Cocteau, Paul Éluard, Alberto Giacometti, Wilfredo Lamm, Stanislao Lepri, Dora Maar, André Pieyre de Mandiargues, Pablo Picasso, Raymond Queneau, 4–25 April.
Galerie Nina Dausset, Paris, drawings, text by Jacques Stettiner, with Stanislao Lepri, Jean Cocteau, Christian Berard, 29 May–13 June.
Maison de la Pensée française, Paris, Le Décor de théâtre en France depuis la Libération, October.
Librairie Paul Morihien, Paris.


Italian Embassy, Paris.
Venice Biennale.


La Fenêtre de Paris (shop), Paris, Le Monde imaginaire, with Max Ernst, Stanislao Lepri, Paul Delvaux, presented by Blanche van Parys.
Munich; Mannheim; Hamburg; Bremen; Berlin, Italienische Kunst der Gegenwart (nos. 97–98).


Maison du Livre Italien, Paris, Peintres italiens de Paris.
Galleria Casanuova, Trieste, Oeuvres en noir et blanc, 13–25 October.
Galerie de l’Orfèvrerie Christofle, Paris, Deuxième Exposition de l’assiette peinte, plates painted by artists, poets, and musicians, 23 November.
Librairie Paul Morihien, Paris.


Galleria di Chiurazzi, Rome, April.


Casino-Kursaal, Ostend, Belgium, Le Fantastique dans l’art.
Théâtre Marigny, Paris, on the occasion of performances of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano, Sept peintres italiens à Paris, with Stanislao Lepri, Lila di Nobili.
Art Fantastique, Kursaal, Ostend, Belgium, 5 July–31 August.
Palazzo Belle Arti, Parco del Valentino, Turin, Peintres d’aujourd’hui France – Italie / Pittori d’oggi Francia – Italia, 3e Mostra, September–October.
Second Biennale of Sao Paolo, Brazil, Futuristas et Artistas Italianos de Hoje, December–February.


Second Biennale of Sao Paolo, Brazil, Futuristas et Artistas Italianos de Hoje, December–February.
Galleria Montenapoleone, Milan, March.
Galleria Casanuova, Trieste, Massimi pittori contemporanei, March.
Galleria dell’Obelisco, Rome, with Fabrizio Clerici, Stanislao Lepri, November.
Galerie Allard, Paris, Peintres de la danse, exhibition of ballet set designs and costumes.
Petit Palais, Paris, Exposition d’artistes étrangers résidant en France, with Campigli, Severini, Tamburi, June.


Galerie Marforen, Paris, drawings, June–July.
Galerie de Seine, Paris, Chats, with Foujita, Picabia, Valentine Hugo, Stanislao Lepri.
VIIe Quadriennale nazionale d’Arte di Roma, Rome.
Cinquième Salon des peintres témoins de leur temps, Paris.


Salon Comparaisons, Paris.
Galerie de France, Paris, Peintres de théâtre.
Salon Comparaisons, Paris, February.


Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, Bosch, Goya et le Fantastique, (nos. 272–76 bis), 20 May–31 July.
Galerie Pro Arte, Paris, with Pavel Tchelitchew, Stanislao Lepri, Enrico Colombotto-Rosso, 18 October.
Art Museum, Santa Barbara, exhibition of theatre set designs by contemporary French artists.
Galerie Legrip, Rouen, lithographs.
Musée de l’Athénée, Geneva, exhibition: Pérénnité de la peinture française. First Quadriennale of French painting in Switzerland, 18 July–18 September.
Galerie Czwiklitzer, Cologne; Oldenburger Stadtmuseum, Oldenburg; Kunstmuseum, Dusseldorf, Surrealisten.
Galerie Charpentier, Paris, Noblesse de l’objet quotidien, refrigerator painted by Leonor Fini.


Galerie Charpentier, Paris, Noblesse de l’objet quotidien, frigidaire peint par Leonor Fini.
Wildenstein Gallery, New York, October.


VIIIe Quadriennale nazionale d’Arte di Roma, Rome.
Musée Guimet, Paris, Masques, December (mask by Leonor Fini made from coins).
Salon Comparaisons, Paris, March.


Musée Galliera, Paris, Les Peintres témoins de leur temps, IXe exhibition, «La jeunesse», April–May.
Musée Galliera, Paris, Les Peintres témoins de la femme, October.
Galerie Albouy, Paris, exhibition of nudes.
Galerie Charpentier, Paris, École de Paris.


Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, Venice, The Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris; Palais de Savoie, Aix-les-Bains; former Eglise des Cordeliers, Châteauroux, L’Apocalypse.
Galerie Knoedler, Paris, 20 Fables de Jean de La Fontaine / 20 artistes.
Mostra della Moda Stile Costume, Turin, Da Boldini a Pollock, pittura e scultura del XX secolo.
Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, Salon Comparaisons, 12 March–2 April.


Künstlerhaus, Vienna, Surrealismus, phantastische Malerei der Gegenwart.
Galerie Fürstenberg, Paris, Le Surréalisme, organized by Patrick Waldberg.
Galerie Jacques Artain, Paris, retrospective of the work of Marcel Jouhandeau, with his portrait painted by Leonor Fini.


Palais Barberini, Rome, L’Apocalypse, February.
Salon Comparaisons, Paris, March.
Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, XIXe Salon de Mai, 28 April–19 May.
Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré (window display), Paris, Témoignage de l’art contemporain, to 26 May.
Worthing Art Gallery, Worthing, England, Paintings from the Collection of Edward James.


Galerie Charpentier, Paris, Le Surréalisme: sources, histoire, affinités, text by Patrick Waldberg.
Salon de Mai, Paris.
Musée Goya, Castres, France, 60 portraits d’artistes contemporains de la scène, de l’écran, du music-hall, May–June.
Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zurich, Das Bühnenbild nach 1945, 4 June–15 August.
Altes Schloss Bregenz, Bregenz (Austria), Phantastische Malerei, 3 July –7 August.
Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, Acquisitions du Musée de 1955 à 1965.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (Kunstverein Berlin) und Akademie der Künste; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden; Kunsthalle, Nuremberg, Labyrinthe, phantastische Kunst vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, October–November (no. 252).


Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris, Acquisitions du Musée de 1955 à 1965.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (Kunstverein Berlin) und Akademie der Künste ; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden ; Kunsthalle, Nuremberg, Labyrinthe, phantastische Kunst vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, octobre – novembre [n° 252].
University of California Art Gallery, Santa Barbara, Surrealism, A state of Mind, 1924-1965.
Deutsches Spielkarten Museum in Bielefeld e. V. Sparrenburg, Französische Spielkarten des XX Jahrhunderts, 15 juillet 1966 – 15 janvier 1967.


Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin, Le Muse inquietanti: Maestri del Surrealismo.
La Galerie 44, Brussels, Magie fantasmagie.
Lund’s Konsthall, Lund, Sweden, 3 May–31 July; Aarhus, Denmark, 7 September–27 October, The First International Exhibition of Erotic Art, presented by the Drs Kronhausen.


Musée municipal d’Art moderne, Paris, Salon de Mai.
Casino communal, Knokke-le-Zoute, Belgium, XXIe Festival belge d’été, Schatten van het Surréalisme/Trésors du Surréalisme.
Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen, Reiche des Phantastischen, 8 May–30 June.
Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels, Dix maîtres contemporains.
Kunstverein, Hamburg, Malerei des Surrealismus von den Anfängen bis heute, 12 April–26 May.


Château de Culan, Cher, France, L’Art fantastique et le Surréalisme.
Baukunst Galerie, Cologne, Surrealismus in Europa, phantastische und visionäre Bereiche.
Byron Gallery, New York, The Surrealists.
Salone delle mostre dell’istituto bancario San Paolo di Torino, Turin, Fisionomia delle Gallerie torinesi, text by Aldo Passoni (Leonor Fini represented by the Galleria d’Arte II Fauno), May–June.
Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, The 2nd International Exhibition of Erotic Art, 2 April–18 May


Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Ferrara, Cento anni di pittura belga, collection Gustave J. Nellens.
Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels, Art sans frontières V.
Galerie Hans Hoeppner, Hamburg, 9–31 July.
Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux, Surréalisme, XXIe Exposition du Mai, 2 May–1 September.


Germanischen Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Albrecht Dürer zu Ehren (Hommage à Dürer), May.
Librairie-Galerie Arts et Lettres, Meaux, lithographs.
Galerie de Valois, Paris, 23 February–15 March.


Galerie Demenge, Besançon, France, lithographs, 17–31 March.
Galerie Iolas, Paris, with Victor Brauner, Max Ernst, Magritte, March.
Galerie Vision Nouvelle et Galerie Matignon 34, Paris, prints, March.
Haus der Kunst, Munich, 11 March–7 May; Musée des Arts décoratifs,
Paris, 9 June–24 September, Der Surrealismus 1922–1942 /Le Surréalisme 1922–1942, text by Patrick Waldberg (nos. 175, 176, 177).
Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, The Surrealist Experience.
Galleria Henze, Campione, Grafica Moderna /Moderne Graphik.
Galerie La Boutique, Angoulême, lithographs, February.
La Maison du Bailli, Épinal, Salon d’hiver de l’académie d’Art plastique, to 29 December.
Galerie Vision Nouvelle, Paris, in aid of the «Perce-Neige» Committee, prints, 14 November 1972–March 1973.
New School Art Center, New York, Erotic Art, 30 October–19 December.
Acoris, Surrealist Art Centre, London, Surrealist Masters 1974, 8 May–26 July.


The New School Art Center, New York, Erotic Art, 30 octobre – 19 décembre.


Galerie Lambert, Paris; Centre français d’exhibitions, Tokyo, Japan, with Czapski, Henricot, Lebenstein, Lepri, Overstreet, 17 January.
Iris Clert—Christofle, Paris, Micro-Salon 1974, 99 participants, Grandes Femmes—Petits Formats.
Orangerie, Paris; Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin, Collection Peggy Guggenheim.
Westend Galerie, Frankfurt, Neomanierismus.
Librairie-Galerie des Arts, Nancy, in aid of Amnesty International, October.


Orangerie, Paris ; Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin, Collection Peggy Guggenbeim.
Westend Galerie, Francfort, Neomanierismus.


Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 21 December 1976–13 March 1977; University Art Muséum, University of Texas at Austin, 12 April–12 June 1977; Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 14 July–4 September 1977; Brooklyn Museum, New York, 8 October–27 November 1977, Women Artists, 1550–1950.
Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg, 6 April–30 May; Kommunale Galerie, Berlin; Kunstverein, Esslingen, Leonor Fini und drei Freunde, Stanislao Lepri, Jan Lebenstein, Michel Henricot, text by Dieter Golücke.
Hayward Gallery, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, 11 January–27 March.
Galerie Obliques, Paris, Cécile Deux, l’Atelier du Graveur: Bellmer, Wunderlich, Leonor Fini, Fred Deux, 15 February.


Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 21 December 1976–13 March 1977; University Art Muséum, University of Texas at Austin, 12 April–12 June 1977; Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, 14 July–4 September 1977; Brooklyn Museum, New York, 8 October–27 November 1977, Women Artists, 1550–1950.
Kurpfälzisches Museum, Heidelberg, 6 April–30 May; Kommunale Galerie, Berlin; Kunstverein, Esslingen, Leonor Fini und drei Freunde, Stanislao Lepri, Jan Lebenstein, Michel Henricot, text by Dieter Golücke.
Hayward Gallery, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, 11 January–27 March.
Galerie Obliques, Paris, Cécile Deux, l’Atelier du Graveur: Bellmer, Wunderlich, Leonor Fini, Fred Deux, 15 February.


Hayward Gallery, The Arts Council of Great Britain, Londres, Dada and Surrealism Reviewed.


Galerie Proscenium, Paris, Leonor Fini et les Amis des Chats libres, in aid of the «École du Chat,» 19–24 March.
Galerie Fürstenberg, Paris, Salvador Dali et Leonor Fini.
Castello di San Giusto, Trieste, Artisti triestini dei tempi di Italo Svevo, 21 July–31 August.
Galerie du Gacharel, Grimaud, France.
Galerie de Winter, Paris, exhibition in aid of the Ligue française contre la Vivisection, 6–11 May.
Galerie du Chapitre, Rennes, September–October.
Westend Galerie, Frankfurt, Zur italienischen Kunst nach 1945. Deutsche Künstler und Italien.


Galerie de Winter, Paris, exposition au bénéfice de la Ligue française contre la Vivisection, 6-11 mai.
Galerie du Chapitre, Rennes, septembre – octobre.

Westend Galerie, Francfort, Zur italienischen Kunst nach 1945. Deutsche Künstler und Italien.  

Christie’s, London, Twenty-Eight Works from the Edward James Collection, 30 March.


Musée national d’Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Paul Éluard et ses amis peintres, 1895-1952, 4 novembre 1982 – 17 janvier 1983.


Musée national d’Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Paul Éluard et ses amis peintres, 1895–1952, 4 November 1982–17 January 1983.
Casino-Kursaal, Ostend, Belgium, Modern Art, with the support of the Galerie Poséidon, 3 July–30 August.
Galerie Mosaïque, Paris.
Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D.C., Artistic Collaboration in the Twentieth Century, collage Joseph Cornell-Leonor Fini, 1937.


Galerie Proscenium, Paris, Les Opéras.
Galerie Koller, Zurich, May.
Pavillon des Arts, Paris, Hommage à Elsa Schiaparelli, exhibition organized by the Ville de Paris and the Musée de la Mode et du Costume, Palais Galliéra, 21 June–30 August.
Espace Vendôme, Paris, Art, or et bijou, 28 November 1984–15 January 1985.


Espace Austerlitz, Paris, Exhibition féline internationale, 5–6 January.
Salons de la Malmaison, Cannes, Femmes, portraits et nus.
Jeffrey Hoffeld & Co., New York, Women Surrealists, October.
Conciergerie, Paris, Trouver Trieste, portraits pour une ville, fortunes d’un port adriatique, November 1985–June 1986.


Casino, Koksijde, Belgium, 7e Salon d’Art.
West Dean Park, Chichister, West Sussex, England, The Edward James Collection, West Dean Park, vol. IV: Pictures, Prints and Drawings, organized by Christie’s, 5 June, West Dean.
Melbourne-Sydney-Adelaide, Australia, 25 artisti giuliani per il “San Giusto d’Oro.”
Baruch College Gallery, New York, 3 October–7 November 1986; Fine Arts Center Gallery, SUNY Stony Brook, New York, 18 November 1986–10 January 1987, Women Artists of the Surrealist Movement.


Petit Foyer, Musée d’Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Jean Paul Guibbert: Amis, images et de l’autre côté des objets, on the publication of La Chair du Monde by Jean-Paul Guibbert, 18–29 March.
Palazzo Barberini, Rome, Gatti nell’Arte, il Magico e il Quotidiano, 3 June–19 July.
Grinnell College, Print and Drawing Study Room, Grinnell, Iowa, A View of Her Own: Images of Women by Women Artists, 2–31 October.


Fashion Institute of Technology Gallery, New York, Fashion and Surrealism, 30 October 1987–23 January 1988.
Christie’s, New York, Modern Paintings and Drawings from the Edward James Collection, 6 October.
Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, Les Femmes et le Surréalisme.
Kinsey Institute, Indianapolis, Selections from the Collection.
Galerie 1900–2000, Paris, Diversité surréaliste, 15 January–2 March.


Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 17 December 1988–26 February 1989; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 31 March–28 May 1989, Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Early Work,  curated by Peter Galassi.


The Kinsey Institute, Indianapolis, Selections from the Collection.


Isidore Ducasse Fine Arts, New York, Accrochage surréaliste—cent queues ni têtes, January–April.
Frost and Reed Gallery, London, Degas to Chagall.
CFM Gallery, New York, Images of the Sphinx.
Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, Hempstead, New York, “The Full Spectrum”: A Diversity of Talent, 17–26 November.


CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Médiathèque Valery Larbaud, Vichy, Le chat en art et en littérature, books and lithographs, 22 July–31 August.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Galerie Guy Pieters, Ghent.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Galerie Alexander Nikitin, Hamburg, Rendez-vous mit Ihr.


Médiathèque Valery Larbaud, Vichy, Le chat en art et en littérature, books and lithographies, 22 july – 31 august.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.


Galerie Guy Pieters, Gand.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.


CFM Gallery, Miami, Art Americas.
Pavillon des Arts, Paris, Jeux de nappes, les peintres se mettent à table, dessins et poèmes 1944–1952.
Palais Garnier, Opéra de Paris, Opéra, côté costume, (costume for Venus, Tannhaüser), 4 April–30 September.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts, Convulsive Beauty: The Image of Women in Surrealism, 16 September–31 December.
Museum Bochum, Germany, Aspekte imaginativer Kunst in 20. Jahrhundert, Profil und Perspektiven einer Sammlung, 7–30 March.


Museo Cantonale d’Arte, Lugano, La Collezione Barone Eduard von der Heydt al Monte Verità, April.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Galerie Mazarine, Paris, 27 February –5 May; Musée Olympique, Lausanne, 22 May–1 September, Anatomie de la couleur.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Galerie Arcade Colette (Palais-Royal), Paris, 15 December 1996–15 January 1997.
CFM Gallery, New York, XXX Rated International Artists’ Peep Show, 9 January–23 February.


Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Tochigi, Japan, Floating Images of Women in Art History, from the Birth of Feminism toward the Dissolution of Gender, 20 July–28 September.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Piasa Auction House, Paris, Les Photographies de Dora Maar, Estate of Dora Markovitch, 20 November.
CFM Gallery, New York, Leonor Fini and Salvador Dali, selected works from the Albaretto, Argillet, and Zukerman Collections, 3 March –19 April.


Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, A Surreal Life: Edward James 1907–1984, 25 April–26 July.
Salzburger Landessammlungen für moderne und zeitgenössische Kunst Rupertinum, Salzburg, Ideal and Reality, the Image of the Body in 20th Century Art from Bonnard to Warhol, Works on Paper, 18 July–27 September.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Peggy Guggenheim: A Centennial Celebration, organized by Karole P. B. Vail, 12 June–2 September.


Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, 29 September 1998–12 January 1999.
MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 9 April– 28 June 1998; Miami Art Muséum, Florida, 9 September–29 November 1998; San Francisco Museum of Modem Art, California, 8 January–20 April 1999, Mirror Images: Women, Surrealism and Self-Representation.
La Galerie, Paris, Les Femmes dans le Surréalisme, organized on publication of the book by Georgiana M. M. Colvile, Scandaleusement d’elles, Editions Jean-Michel Place, 17 November–14 December.
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Surrealism: Two Private Eyes / The Nesuhi Ertegun and Daniel Filipacchi Collections, 4 June–12 December.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.


Spaightwood Galleries, B. B. Clark House, Madison, Wisconsin, Womanshow 2000: 30 Years of Collecting 20th-Century Art by Women, 6 October–12 November.


Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York, Surrealism, 29 September 2000–14 January 2001.
CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.
CFM Gallery, New York, Leonor Fini and Salvador Dalí, from 6 September.
Kunsthalle, Bielefeld, Germany, Die unheimliche Frau, Weiblichkeit im Surrealismus.
Weinstein Gallery, San Francisco, Leonor Fini and Her Contemporaries—Surrealism through the Eyes of Women Artists (catalogue essay by Whitney Chadwick), 6 December 2001–29 January 2002.
Haus der Kunst, Munich, 13 October 2001–6 January, 2002; Musées de Marseille, Centre de la Vieille Charité, Marseille, 20 January–4 May 2002; Centre Culturel Tecla Sala, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, 15 May–15 July 2002, Dora Maar, Bataille, Picasso and the Surrealists. Dora Maar Retrospective.
National Portrait Gallery, London, 1 March–3 June; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 21 October–6 January, 2002, Horst Portraits: 60 Years of Style.
Tate Modern, London, 20 September–16 December; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 28 January–6 May 2002, Surrealism: Desire Unbound.


Centre Culturel Tecla Sala, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, 15 May–15 July 2002, Dora Maar, Bataille, Picasso and the Surrealists. Dora Maar Retrospective.

National Portrait Gallery, London, 1 March–3 June; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 21 October–6 January, 2002, Horst Portraits: 60 Years of Style.

Tate Modern, London, 20 September–16 December; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 28 January–6 May 2002, Surrealism: Desire Unbound.

Centre Pompidou, Paris, La Révolution surréaliste, including Leonor Fini’s Couverture d’un livre ayant séjourné dans la mer, 1936, 6 March–24 June.

Civico Museo Revoltello, Trieste, Da De Chirico a Leonor Fini, Pittura Fantastica in Italia, 26 June.

CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.

Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, Sakura, Chiba, Japan, Sleeping, Dreaming, Awakening, 29 June–16 September.


Neue Galerie am Lamdermuseum, Joanneum, Phantom der Lust, Visionen des Masochismus in der Kunst, 26 avril – 24 août.

Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, Grands decorateurs de théâtre de 1950 à 1980, 9 April–7 June.

CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.

Neue Galerie am Lamdermuseum, Joanneum, Germany, Phantom der Lust, Visionen des Masochismus in der Kunst, 26 April–24 August.

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 1 May–27 July 2003; CaixaForum, Barcelona, 15 September 2003–5 January 2004; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, 9 May–2 August 2004; palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, 30 September 2004–15 January 2005, Henri Cartier-Bresson Retrospective.

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Surrealist Drawings from the Drukier Collection, 16 August–19 October.

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, site Richelieu, Paris, Silvia Monfort, Une vie de combat pour le theatre (Leonor Fini portrait of Silvia Monfort), 16 December 2003–25 January 2004.


CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.

Gallery of Surrealism, New York, Surrealism and its Affinities, 3–9 November.

AXA Gallery, Atrium Lobby of the Equitable Tower, New York, Cut! Costume for the Silver Screen—European and American Film Costumes from the Collection of the Cinemathèque Française, Paris (Leonor Fini designs for Fellini’s 8 1/2, 27 May–15 August.)


CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.

Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Surreal Things, 29 March–22 July.

Musée Rath, Geneva,  Zizi Jeanmaire-Roland Petit. Un patrimoine pour la danse (designs by Leonor Fini for Les Demoiselles de la nuit and  Le Rêve de Leonor),  4 April–12 August.

Weinstein Gallery, San Francisco, Fifteenth Anniversary Exhibition, December.

CFM Gallery, New York, Winter and Summer Group Exhibition.


Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Cosas del Surrealismo—Surrealismo y Diseno, 3 March–7 September.


Galleria del Costume di Palazzo Pitti, Florence, Simonetta. La prima donna della moda italiana (portrait of Simonetta by Leonor Fini), 9 January–17 February.


Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Surreal Things, 29 September 2007–6 January 2008.


Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Surreal Things—Surreal Design, 9 May–13 September


Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Picture Dreams—The collection of Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch (Painting of Leonor Fini used as poster for this exhibition), 19 June–22 November.


The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Jerome Robbins Dance Division, New York, Twenty-Ttwo Costume Designs for George Balanchine’s Symphony in C (originally titled Le Palais de Cristal) dating from 1946, from April.


Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester, England. Angels of Anarchy: Women Artists and Surrealism, 26 September 2009–10 January 2010.


Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, Tennessee, 10 September 2009–3 January 2010; International Center of Photography, New York, 29 January–9 May 2010; Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, 9 June–10 October, 2010, Twilight Visions: Surrealism, Photography and Paris.


Wilhelm-Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen, Germany, Contre toute raison. Surrealism Paris—Prague, 14 November 2009–14 February 2010.


Comme au Ciel … sur la Terre…: Leonor Fini et Stanislao Lepri, Galerie Minsky, Paris
25 March – 30 May

La Grande Madre: Fondazione Nicola Trussardi, Palazzo Reale, Milan
26 August – 15 November


Exhibition « Faire le mur. Quatre siècles de papier peints »: Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris.
Presentation of wall paper Lendemain de fête realised by Leonor Fini and drawer Jacques Hincelin.
21 January – 12 June 2016

Exhibition « Surreal Encounters: Collecting the Marvelous »: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edimbourg.                                                                                                                             4 June – 11 September 2016

Group Exhibition, Gallery Minsky.                                                                                                              23 august – 10 october 2016

Exhibition « Battle of the sexes », Städel Museum, Frankfurt, Germany                                              24 november 2016 – 19 March 2017


« The  beguiling siren is thy crest », Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland                           Exhibition from march 25th to june 18th, 2017